>>42843879>>42836650They will never do countries or continents that are entirely one majority, that isnt white.
They want to keep to white countries or multicultural. (white means japan as well)
Actually realistic choices for next region:
>America, and various states>Asia (the whole continent also including russia) (russians and chinks are the whites in the game)>Australia, New Zealand, Antartica, and the pacific sea.If the do make an africa region, it would take major balls, as theyd have to answer to the pc crowd on why they white washed npcs to be white, if they were african inspired parts. They have to answer why a few npc's in the trailers, who was wearing traditional african loincloths and jewelry, holding a spear, in front of a vast african plain with african inspired pokemon roaming behind him, is pale white.
And even further complications come, if they decided to make every nigger country between south africa and egypt into a 'Wild Area', and make it one big sahara.
But considering how Game Freak handled the SwSh controversy, theyd probably go quite and carry on anyway.