>>42863606>what is protectpartially ignored by dynamax pokémon, just like every other interesting status move
>what is paralysislol just get lucky enough to bring out a paralysis causer that survives a hit then get lucky by causing paralysis then it max airstreams twice to cancel it out while killing you
or just ignores it completely while killing you
>what is sleeplol just get lucky by causing sleep etc
>what is phantom force/fly/bouncethis is a fair point but the bouncer still dies once it lands
>what is disguiseyes everyone is using mimikyu. can't wait for another gen of disguised swords dance
even then the dynamax gets its buff or weather or wherever while breaking the disguise and then kills what is probably your best attacker
>what is substitutethis also works assuming your sub user outspeeds the dynamax all three turns and you're not playing doubles
>what is switching/ally switching to a resistance/immunitywhat is max moves do so much damage that just using a neutrally effective coverage move should 2HKO at the absolute worst