It wouldn’t really displace fighting. It’s whole design is based on fighting monks and their weapons. Noivern would be Sound type instead of Flying, which is kind of a problem as it’s so clearly based on a glider, and really sonic pulses are a kind of air manipulation. A lot of pokemon that people want to be sound type already express sound as a component of one of their types. Examples:
Gliscor, Vibrava: Ground
Noivern: Flying
Arceus, Loudred, Chatot, Pyroar: Normal
Lucario, Bronzong: Steel
You get the picture. On the other hand I think it would be good if Ground was kind of rebranded to meet a middle ground (haha) with proposed Sound (let’s call it Pulse), and all Normal types absorbed into other types. Loudred would be Pulse/Electric, Piloswine Ice/Pulse, etc. These Pokemon are sensitive to and manipulate sound. Spinda would be Pulse, as would Lickilicky.