>>42940190>isn't timerstalling a strategy in nearly every competitive game?Generally things get banned because of timerstalls.
Comp smash, i know >Comp smash, but they ban entire stages because they make timer stalling easy.
Point to make here is that timer stalling in smash is about running away and using your mobility to not get hit, it's cheese but there's still skill involved. Timer stalling in pokemon is making your turns take as long as possible, and then maximising animation times with items and weather effects etc. Nowhere near as much skill, given that half of it is literally not even playing the game.
Then there's magic the gathering, trading card game granted, but certain control/prison decks need to make the decision of "won game 1, currently losing game 2, is there enough time for a game 3 or do i try to stall this game to turns?" so that is 1 archetype that in a very niche situation may want to consider it.
But the problem is, Pokemon is a turn based game and can easily take a page from Magic Online. Which instead runs on a chess clock, where if *you* run out of time you lose. It doesn't go to tie breakers. You just lose.
Pokemon could easily fix this by only counting decision time and making it a separate clock on both players. But no, instead they make a timer system that blatantly encourages stall.