The problem with these arguments is that theyre not unique to SwSh but you propose them with the argument that SwSh is uniquely shit whereas “le ~golden era of pokemon” was different
Compare Red and Blue, Platinum, Sun and Moon, ANY MAINLINE Pokemon game to games released in the same year, on the same platform or otherwise, and you’ll see that gamefreak has literally always has bad graphics. The reason these shitposts fail to convince new people to believe in your cult is that you have no context for you manbaby virgin rage.
That image of “suddenly I have standards” is so unbelievably true. For christs sake, you guys unironically will say things like “SwSh is shit, pokemon needs to go back to the good old days like Platinum and Emerald” when those games were literally releases of the same games that came out one year prior. If any other studio at any other time released a game like Emerald or Platinum they’d be trashed and the community would consider them 0/10s but poketards have such a warped worldview that those games are 10/10s.