>>42949462This. Moves are specialized techniques using energy. Hydro pump isn't just spewing water, Mach punch isn't just a really fast strike, and bite isn't just a literal bite. Even normal moves aren't "literally just tackling" or "just waggling their tail."
This is why a Charizard can't burn down a tree with Flamethrower, and needs Cut- a move which focuses energy in a way that can precisely slice it apart. Of course, said shillmon could obviously just use it's "mundane" fire to burn it down, but this is presumably illegal. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so much fuss about getting badges to allow you to use certain techniques in the field.
This is also why battles are relatively safe for the Pokemon involved- a Sycther can use Slash and not dismember its for because it's a sort of energy. It still hurts like hell, but won't kill.
That said, the anime tends to not care about field vs. battle differences, and just makes all moves have both non-lethal magical energy properties, and environment-busting coolness depending on the situation. I think this proves Pokemon have significant control over their moves, which helps reinforce the fact they're specialized techniques, and not """mundane""" vines, lightning bolts and boulders.