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Thirteen new Gigantimax Pokémon will be arriving this year. Eight will appear in Isle of Armor expansion, and five more in the Crown Tundra expansion.

new Gigantimax Pokémon appearing in the Isle of Amor include: Cinderace, Rillaboom, Intelleon, Sharpedo, Slowbro, Dustox, and two more for the newly introduced Urshifu. I dunno which ones will appear in Crown Tundra asides Gigantimax Slowking sharing the same Gigantimax as Slowbro like Appleton/Flapple. That pack is more tight lipped.

IOA includes a little more than an hour worth of new gameplay, 2 Battle Dojo facilities with different rules, few new Regional Variants, few new Pokémon, & a colorful beautiful cave. Cubfoo can evolve into a specific Urshifu form depending on wether it was trained in Azure Dojo, or Skarlet Dojo. It will be the first breedable legendary, not to be confused with the Mythical Manaphy.

Isle of Armor has a few new Regional Variants for Gligar (Poison) [evolves into a Poison/Water type named “Coascoar”, Jynx (Psychic/Fairy) [also evolves into - new Pokémon called “Ms. Spell], and Dewgong [pure water]. More forms will be in crown tundra.

Galarian Slowbro will be officially revealed March 21 (random drop)

An event form, “Tailless Ponyta” will feature in July’s upcoming film Coco and will be distributed alongside new Pokémon Zarude for Japanese players this summer.

I saw they have 3 more major projects being worked on as well. Detective Pikachu 2 is coming to NS in August. A collaboration with a mobile game for December, I think it was named something weird like Dreglia Lost? And DP remakes set for the 25th anniversary in September 2021. Angry with them so decided to spoil what I know.