>>42988655Adamant, Jolly, Modest, Timid, Bold, Calm, Relaxed, Sassy and Impish seems to be the ones most used. Since some tanks dont need speed but want to go mixed in attacking I.E. Swampert and Seismitoad are big examples, they go Relaxed nature. Tanks that only attack on one type go either Calm such as Empoleon or Bold such as Blissey and defensive pelipper. Adamant is used mostly on Bulky Attackers or Slow attackers such as Crawdaunt, Some sets of Incineroar or DDers since they can boost their speeds anyways. Jolly is used mostly on physical fast attacker mons or if you want to outspeed mons without sacrificing EVs. Fast mons such as Dragapult and Zeraora go Jolly to outspeed every mon in existence. Mons such as the swords also go jolly (with the exception of keldeo who goes timid) to speed tie and kill each other. This also could be applied to infernape which speed ties with them. Timid is for Special fast attacking mons or just wants to outspeed a speed benchmark such as Dragapult (again) some sun Venu sets and Toxtricity. Modest is for slow bulky attackers or those that have ways to increase their speed such as Venu under sun, Primarina specs set on the top of my head. Mons that go physical attack rather than special but needs to tank hits for physical attacker go for Impish. Less mons go this route but the biggest example on the top of my head is ferrothorn.
Favorite would be Adamant and Jolly though