Everyone posting, no one rating, just another awful team thread on /vp/
Here's what I've got for a new Sword playthrough, didn't end up with a team I liked playing it blind so I'm restarting and using this team for DLC. Octopus and teacup are shiny, and got some cool HA for some of em.
>>42995304cool team
>>42995383>all those starters, pseudos, and lucario trash
>>42995756cute team, love the girafarig
>>42998333nothing but based
>>43000374mankey and char overused but clef is cute and fun
>>43001079less cool but still cool. can we be friends anon?
>>43001110pretty cool steels, the rest are fine but everyone uses em
>>43010600>>43001929cool team anon. love teddi and natu
>>43003772very boring team
>>43004618use garbodor or druddigon
>>43004741based team but wheres hatterne
>>43005840excellent team, incredibly based
>>43007374good taste with those other additions
>>43007645cool team, that early volc is one of the few acceptable static mons to use IMO