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No.43062256 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>b-b-b-b-but gen 1 had objectmons too! and...t-they were j-just as stupid!

i'm going to be touching upon voltorb, magnemite, and muk, since they're the most commonly used examples of this retarded argument

voltorb - pokeball with a face, yes. a pokeball is an established thing unique to the Pokemon universe, and it takes the shape of one because pokeballs on the overworld serve the same function as treasure chests would in most RPGs, solidifying its status as a "mimic". voltorb's face is not cutesy, nor does it seem painted on. it is a detailed, defined face, far from the emoji-reminiscent expression you see here.

magnemite - objectmon, yes. it is made up of magnets, screws, and an iron ball. it has a singular eye in the center. it's a piece of machinery which has gained a sort of robotic sentience. a robot, essentially. robots are seen across many forms of media, and are universally respected as an archetype of monster. can you say the fucking same about droplets of literal milk? fuck out of my face.

muk - I do admit this is one of the more egregious examples, but the same argument used for magnemite can be applied here. it is a sentient blob of waste. blob-monsters are also a respected archetype of monster, prevalent in horror movies. its status as a pest and a legitimate threat to the environment - possibly man-made, too - keeps it far, far away from the stigma of "cutesy kid's mascot". it has legitimate lore surrounding it which fits into the series universe.

i understand that not every pokemon in gen 8 is like milcery. i also can recognize that there are a few too many. i implore you apologists to do the same.