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No.43073614 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ability: Time Control - This Pokemon and its allies' turn-based moves occur 1 turn earlier and ignore the effects of recharge if they knock out a target.
Signature Move 1: Roar of Time - Type: Dragon / PP: 5 / Category: Special / Power: 120 / Accuracy: 90 / Effect: Target and user must recharge
Signature Move 2: Temporal Warp - Type: Steel / PP: 5 / Category: Special / Power: 120 / Accuracy: 100 / Effect: After 2 turns, all other Pokemon are hit and must recharge, user must recharge

Ability: Spacial Control - This Pokemon and its allies evade each others' moves, ignore negative field effects, and bypass opposing Pokemon's barriers and substitutes.
Signature Move 1: Spacial Rend - Type: Dragon / PP: 5 / Category: Special / Power: 80 / Accuracy: --- / Effect: Always crits, never misses, bypasses protection, lowers user's Atk and SpA
Signature Move 2: Cosmic Wave - Type: Water / PP: 5 / Category: Special / Power: 120 / Accuracy: 100 / Effect: Hits all other Pokemon, removes all field effects, lowers user's Def and SpD

Ability: Matter Distortion - When damaged, this Pokemon causes attackers to lose 1/8 HP and 2 PP from their last used move. If this Pokemon faints, the attacker's last used move and ability are disabled.
Signature Move 1: Antimatter Burst - Type: Dragon / PP: 5 / Category: Special / Power: 160 / Accuracy: 90 / Effect: Hits all other Pokemon, user loses 1/2 HP
Signature Move 2: Shadow Force - Type: Ghost / PP: 5 / Category: Physical / Power: 120 / Accuracy: 100 / Effect: 2 turn move, 1st turn: disappear, 2nd turn: reappear, break protection before attacking, trigger user's ability

Ability: Multipotent - This Pokemon's type, stats and ability change depending on held Plate. Boosts Normal-type power by 20% if no Plate is held.
Signature Move: Judgement - Type: Normal / PP: 10 / Category: Physical / Power: 100 / Accuracy: 100 / Effect: Type changes to match user's, Special if SpA > Atk