>>43123988>RBYTeam Rocket takes over the region, rules from the shadows, stealing Pokemon from other people, and being a general nuisance to everyone
>GSCI guess Giovanni is reminded of how strong Red was and returns? Gen 2's evil team plot was stupid anyway
>RS/ORASGlobal catastrophe based on whichever Pokemon awakens, but the protagonist (like the team leaders) realize the mistake they've made and capture/defeat the Pokemon
>EmeraldThe team the protagonist joins awakens their legendary and defeats the other team so they don't awaken their respective Pokemon, and then the same situation as above plays out
>DPTimespace catastrophe, universe ends
>PlatinumProtag and Cyrus battle Giratina to find their way out of the Distortion World together. Cyrus stays behind because the Distortion World is his ideal world devoid of spirit. Protag leaves and disbands Team Galactic
>BWProtag awakens one dragon, N awakens the other. Ghetsis does this because he senses N's weakness and predicts a betrayal. Final battle in Plasma's castle is still plays out, with Protag defending Plasma and N trying to change their mind. N loses, takes his dragon and leaves. Ghetsis is still able to consolidate his power using Protag's dragon, tells the world to surrender their Pokemon or die, rules as king
>BW2, assuming BW played out normallyProtag takes Hugh's Liepard from the Shadow Triad, crushes his dreams in a battle aboard the Plasma Frigate, Kyurem is captured, fusion is successful since no one is able to defeat it (N likely had no other Pokemon or in the actual games he would've fought Kyurem himself). Ghetsis threatens to freeze over Unova/the world, rules as king
>BW2 as a sequel to my post's BWGhetsis plans to capture Kyurem to get N's attention, N tries to stop it because "Fusion is bad", N loses his dragon, protag from BW gives up theirs, Original Dragon is awakened, Ghetsis rules the region/world