>first game played was Silver when I was 17 (2012)
>had inmense amount of fun, like I hadn't had in years, instantly fell in love and wondered why I hadn't tried Pokemon before
>next year XY comes out
>fucking love everything about it, also have loads of fun
>still realize that it's much, much easier than Silver
>decide to try older games
>play FireRed, find Kanto to be too empty and kind of boring but the gameplay per se is fun
>play Platinum, don't really like it at all
>play ORAS, have fun but realize it's even easier than XY and makes me feel kind of empty inside
>feel bad for Hoennfags since I don't believe this is what they wanted
>finally play Black
>become absolutely mindblown by this masterpiece, feel challenged for once and enjoy the hell out of the game like you wouldn't believe
>SM news start dropping
>love literally EVERYTHING that's shown every trailer
>think it's going to be a gen 5 2.0
>hype is off the roof
>buy Moon
>handholdy, annoying, by far the easiest game I've played, feel almost insulted
>keep trying
>quit on third island
>a year goes by
>try again
>still can't, this game legitimately makes me angry
>quit again
>another year goes by, try one final time, advance a bit but just no
>drop it
>USUM comes out, don't even bother buying though the Necrozma fight makes me curious
>still don't
>LGPE happens
>become nervous but try to believe in their "separation of the audiences" promise
>SwSh gets announced
>try to be as open minded as possible, give these games and GF a chance
>want to enjoy Pokemon again, feel that joy gen 2, 6 and 5 game me
>with every news we get feel my soul rapidly draining from my body
>dex leak
>it's fucking vomit inducing garbage
>realize that this is it for me
Basically I've come to realize that my love for Pokemon was always meant to be short lived. I love gen 2, 6 and 5 like you wouldn't believe, and love most of the Pokemon and human characters in general, but game wise I think I was never meant to be a pokefag.