>>43133970> wish 1i wish pokemon will be good in gen 9, a return to the glory once poisoned by the waters of kalos and alola, shattered by the barbarians/downytards of galar. a good pokemon game with all pokemon, all gimmicks, all items, all moves, and just a good game in general
> wish 2I wish my gf to be resurrected, cured of cancer, and maybe be reformed as a shiny mega gardevoir. you can't judge me for this wish because I couldn't possibly care less about your shitty judgements.
> 3rd and final wishI wish to be a cartoonist, like I always wanted to be. I want to storyboard episodes for my animators to draw, my VA's to bring voice to, my composer to add life to, and for my fans to enjoy.
> I also want you to remove the bombs from the chests of androids 17 & 18.