>>43194329You seriously underestimate the amount of effort and talent that goes into good spritework, especially if we're talking about a high-resolution sprited game on the Shitch. A good work of art isn't just a "1D collaboration of pixels" (whatever the fuck that means) and takes a lot of time to get right, doing something like this for even half of the national dex would be an absolutely gargantuan effort that would also be relatively difficult to find decent and reliable talent for, and for all of that effort you aren't going to get nearly the payoff to justify what you lose through regressing.
Making and rigging a good 3D model isn't easy, but once it's done, it's done. You've got something extremely reusable that you can consistently apply to generations of games with a little maintenance here and there (like re-texturing) to keep up with rising graphical standards. Models can be posed and animated to your heart's content, and readily adapted to new roles as required by feature additions in new games.
You can't do any of this with a sprite. Maybe you can copy portions of it when drawing a new pose but in any case you're going to end up duplicating a significant amount of effort in return for something rigid and static that's far less adaptable or alive than even the most mediocre 3D model. Getting spriting right for hundreds of Pokémon on a Shitch game would be a fucking nightmare, and forget any kinds of properly interactive features like Amie or Camp. Fuck, you'd be lucky to get followers again.
>>considering that as regression in the first placeYep. It's a regression. The only thing spriting might objectively be better for than 3D is resource usage, but that's not a problem Pokémon games should have in the first place. In every other respect, it's harder to work with, it's less dynamic, and doesn't allow as much creativity in the way of content.