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The animations for the trainers are great, it's fun to see all the salty and desperate and what not faces they do after losing, specially good on Leon's losing animation. Also love the anime-ish angles when they're gigantamaxing in battle and shit.
Music was nice too, but I struggle to list that when frankly most Pokemon games have good music, it's a given.
Great Pokedex with lots of good humor and ideas infused into it. A fucking viking meowth evolution? That shit is just fun.
Story was bad (like usual lmao) but I did like how it focused so much on the gym challenge itself, I usually bore when shit in these games gets too larger than life and too tone-deaf dramatic so I was actualy glad the bullshit with Eternatus was such a small portion of it all and otherwise we had mostly "challenge drama" with depressed Hop and Team Yell being unsportmanlike and etc.
Wild Area looks like CRAP but it feels smooth to walk around in, the world transversal is alot more pleasure in 3d enviroments like that than the normal routes which feel like "gameboy world deisgn but in 3d" which is frankly clumsy as fuck, I hope future games keep that in mind.
Max Raids are neat idea that needs more creative execution. They're boring when they're brainless, so please do more shit like Mewtwo Max Raid where strategy is actualy recquired.