>>43249379Worst type combo or just worst type on its own?
Worst type on its own is probably Ice or Normal. Ice has zero defensive utility and is better served as a coverage type than a STAB type on an attacker, while Normal just generally lacks a strong niche on its own and can't deal SE damage on anything.
The worst type combo in the game is probably Grass/Bug though. Awful weaknesses for nowhere near enough pay-off, and offensively poor to boot, both being resisted by many common types such as Steel, Flying and Fire. Bug/Flying probably takes second for its massive redundancy and for accentuating the negative aspects of both types, especially in regards to the horrid x4 rock weakness. Grass/Ice and Rock/Ice are really bad too but at the very least they have decent coverage.
>>43249449Bug has some good aspects. Access to really strong combinations such as Compound Eyes and Sleep Powder, Sticky Web, Quiver Dance, the biggest thing holding back bugs is just the fact that so few of them can take advantage of their type's strengths.
Also Bug/Steel is one of the best type combos in the game, which automatically puts Bug above the bottom rung.