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Unused Type Combination Thread

No.43281579 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Normal/Ice deer

>Normal/Poison opossum

>Normal/Bug spider monkey

>Normal/Ghost Schrodinger's cat

>Normal/Steel fox

>Fire/Grass bell pepper

>Fire/Fairy living will-o'-the-wisp

>Electric/Fighting rabbit

>Ice/Poison bacteria in a vial

>Fighting/Ground hyena

>Fighting/Fairy cute fighter

>Poison/Psychic snake

>Steel/Poison living drum of toxic waste

>Fairy/Ground armadillo

>Bug/Dragon alligator bug

>Bug/Dark moth

>Ghost/Rock living tombstone

>Fire/Water crab

>Fire/Steel bull

>Ice/Dragon dinosaur

>Psychic/Dragon Chinese dragon

>Dragon/Fairy butterfly

>Ghost/Fighting mummy

>Rock/Fighting dinosaur

>Psychic/Ghost living crystal ball