>>43311152Following commands is an abstraction that came from the JRPG gameplay, and isn't terribly well explained. You can assume that they're all spiritually bonded to their trainers with science/magic, or that there was a 70 hour long training session off-screen in which the trainer of a Pokémon taught it to perform actions in response to verbal commands like it happens in the real world, or that they all have 300 IQ and they're incredibly good at reading body language and human emotions. I haven't seen all ten thousand episodes of the anime, so let me know if there's a canon explanation for it.
>Why you assume the fire isn't lethal is very strange to me.Well, because it isn't. Putting your hand in front of a pellet sized fireball doesn't just immediately KILL YOU on the spot, neither does getting struck by a needle or an icicle on its own. If you get five tons of molten lava poured on you, then yeah, you're gonna die.
But again, you aren't supposed to take any of this shit seriously. If there's a Pokémon battle going on where one of them uses a move that heats up everything within a large radius to thousands of degrees and causes a literal fucking pillar of lava to erupt from the ground, how does a dog made of grass survive it without getting incinerated to death on the spot, let alone the 10 year old girl standing a foot apart from it? The answer is that it must have missed it, and they used a potion afterwads that magically made it all better or something, stop asking questions.