>>43322712Of course the tourist doesn't even know what "waifu" means to boot, predictable.
>>43322736Pepe did ruin the website, as well as every single board. Every single corner of the internet now has a severe number of literal subhuman retards with pepe avatars, spamming pepe and wojak unprovoked as their primary manner of "communication", with strawman "-nooooo" templates serving as their only argumentative tactic. Literally the only boards with any sort of quality control on any imageboard actively ban pepe and wojakposters and delete any of the cancerous trash they spam precisely because it's a net-detriment to the quality of whatever community is unfortunate enough to attract the attention of the sort of low-inhibition social media whores who post it. No, I can't ignore it, ignoring cancerous invasions for the purpose of homogenising niche corners of the internet is the best method to ensure that whatever website you frequent is completely fucked and devoid of any meaningful content or OC because you now have a new population of migrants who refuse to integrate and instead expect everyone already in the community to "adapt" to their homogenous spam of the same invasive template trends and memes that exist for the express purpose of facilitating a global online brain drain. Other memes here are exclusively restricted to the board and even then they're only brought up when appropriate. Frogshit is not, it's universal and will eventually inundate every single corner of the internet (which it already has to an extent) if there is no form of moderation and consistent purging of low-quality shit like that. Higher rates of pepe/wojak posting on any community are consistent with worse grammar, higher levels of traffic, shorter sentences, more argumentative fallacies, more template comments, less original content and displacement of the intended and original population of the website.