>>43365926Yeah but ironically the mimes and wrestlers didn't look that human.
Pokemon now are basically furbait fursuits, take something humans do, give that quality to a pokemon x10, then boom that's a pokemon.
I'd rather see actual monstrous animals being a thing rather than "funi ape go bonk haha" or at the very least see a few more monstrous animals who's main quality isn't based only on their 'human-like' features.
Quagsire doesn't have a tool, they are just Quagsire, likewise Farfetchd is just a duck with an leek rather than Sirfetchd, who has an actual shield that has no reason to be there rather than trying to grasp for a fitting evolution.
Fucking Wololo is much more interesting than any of the other designs: not every pokemon needs to be a parody of humanity.