Pic related
I might not be 30 but I think I have lived my fair share of experiences (like being robbed at gun point, fight back and somehow live) so I'm just gonna say two things:
1) it is important for you to have an idea of how you want your life partner to look and be. You can even use your waifu/husbando as a reference, provided that they are realistic in the looks department. You should also understand that a good personality is way more important than looks. Looks are important, you ate going to have sex with this person until you die, but you are going to spend more time of the day bonding with this person through talking than having sex.
2) low self-esteem and anxiety go hand-to-hand. Most of the time, social awkwardness has to do more with your own fear of rejection than with you being somehow flawed. You can become acquaintances, friends, and even more with anyone, but only if you choose to overcome your anxiety and preconceived ideas first. Have always something to share so you can trigger a good conversation, be a good listener and you are set.
>>43366227This old Rare artworks take me back...