>>43367083I had an idea for New Zealand where the north island had pretty clear routes and most of the cities, and all of the gyms
South Island was like the wild area but obviously way bigger (like an entire region size), still had people and towns but it was pretty much free roam and routes were merely roads, you could go off the path and the entire island was explorable. Gyms in the north island would require you to complete a task or challenge on the South Island and from there you could go back north and progress, you still needed badges to use hm’s (which you can now teach for field use but don’t take up a move slot unless you want to) idk if it sounds stupid right now but in my head it’s cooler, like the north island being really civilized and modern and the south just being a rugged untamed region that really feels like you’re traveling with your bros, with your Pokémon following you and such also Tasmania would be the postgame and maybe a colder South Pacific Island (like South Georgia, falklands, doesn’t have to be based on those but similar climate) and a much more tropical island like Fiji or Tonga as side islands that can be visited mid game and beyond for extra diversity
I’m thinking 90-110 non-legendary pokemon added and at least 500 available before postgame