I'll start to count in 4/10, +1/10 each 3 pokemon I like. So...
>>433676567/10. Specially like fire, water, bug and poison. I hate mimikyu so much (too pretentious story to a pokemon "everybody" likes). Still say 7/10
>>433679698/10 Great fire, water, ground, bug, poison, dark, dragon. Also other ones are pretty nice. That bronie really sucks btw.
>>433681007/10 Great bug, dragon, electric, fighting, ghost, poison. Also ice chad. Based 8/10 due the art pics.
>>433682017/10. Nice grass, water, fighting, flying, bug, poison, dark, ghost, steel... Victiny piss me of, but whatever.
>>43368271barely 5/10 you really like all of those first stage? If only they were their last form... At least poison and fire.
>>433684697/10 I like grass, fire, water, psychic, fighting, bug, poison, ice, dragon. Weird steel choice, but ok. Ghost sucks a lot to me, that monster never looks like a ghost or merely spooky.
>>43368566Solid 8/10 Normal and ice are ok. Dragon and fairy meh. Everyother nice. I like a lot grass, fire, fighting, bug, poison, dark and ghost.
>>433686176/10.. Too much cutemon to me. But nice flying, bug, poison. Ground, ghost and fairy ok.
>>43368722Solid 8/10 (great artwork) so... Great fire, water, fighting, rock, ground, bug, poison, ghost, ice and dragon.
>>433690587/10 Great water, electric, psychic, flying, ghost. Nice fighting, bug, ice. Steel and dark ok.
>>433692056/10 Nice bug, ground, fairy, posion, psychic, ghost. I think there are more interesting designs in the seconds or thirsts position (dark, ground, electric, fighting, poison, fire, flying, rock and water) missed a 9/10 easely.
>>433692388/10 Great grass, fire, electric, fighting, rock, bug, posion, dark, ghost. Fairy chad btw. I just dislike water, normal and psychic.
>>433695476/10 Nice normal, rock, ground, bug, poison, fairy. I like that grass UB .
>>433695497/10 Nice dark, electric, fire, ghost, grass, ground, poison, rock, water. Other just meh.
>>43369603Solid 8/10 (word limit)