>>43383820Was heatran actually important to you in winning the game? Were you not already massively behind? Then probably shouldn't have risked it. You can just switch, worse case scenario is probably you take u turn chip and stay behind on momentum, or he gets up rocks.
I understand it makes a lot of sense to predict the U and go for magma storm, especially if you are behind already or heatran wasn't worth anything.
I'm pretty sure finchinator (fat cuck lmao) hard threw a smogon tour final vs zomog in the same situation. Finch had his magearna (his wincon that game) out and he had 2 flying pokemon (gliscor/torn) and 1 drill counter (slowbro) in the back. Zomog had excadrill out, and thundurus in the back, which beats all 3 of finch's drill counters. Finch stayed in with magearna predicting the double to thundurus, but zomong just click eq and BTFO him.