>>43395045Depends on if you want full Pokedex or just to fuck around. Gen 1 you can really get anything but Crystal is obviously the best Gen 2 game. Most expensive too, though, Gold and Silver are nearly half the price online.
If you want to go full nostalgia get a Game Boy Color and a wormlight, but if you want to be efficient just get any kind of Game Boy Advance SP, AGS-101 has arguably the better screen (and it's a lot brighter) but it's more expensive
I'd also recommend getting Pokemon Stadium 2 and a couple Transfer Paks, not only do they allow you to play on the big screen and give you incentive to train a team for the game's challenges, there are many QoL things like
>giving you a Pokemon Bank/Home-esque storage system for not only your Pokemon but your items (divided by Gen)>allowing you to easily and quickly move Pokemon between boxes (especially useful in Gen 1)>list your Pokemon and sort them in various ways (very useful for judging which of your caught Pokemon have the best IVs when deciding to make a competitive team for Stadium 2's challenges)>after completing challenges in Stadium 2 you can speed up Gen 1 games and in the more difficult R2 part of Stadium 2 unlock the ability to do the same for Gen 2 (postgame only, though)