>>43415301to add on to this a lot of Kalos Pokemon are still remembered fondly. Greninja obviously, Braxien line for porn, Hawlucha, Trevenant, Noivern, Klefki, Sylveon, Goodra, and Aegislash still get talked about a a decent amount. Some more than others but the dex has a lot of popular Pokemon. And it wouldn't be much of a stretch to consider Megas as Gen 6 Pokemon, and if we do then we have so many that are loved and extremely popular like Mega Charizard X, Mawhile. Kangaskhan, Blastoise, Scizor, Pinsir, Blaziken, Gardevoir, Beedril, Sableye, Rayquaza, and Sceptile. They were designed during and for Gen 6 so it's only fair