>>43428975Depends on if you have a switch or not, like competitive fighters, and have the money to burn.
If you had a switch already and it was back in 2018 or even earlier, I would have said absolutely, but the scene started to really first slow down back in 2019 and with the virus stuff now obviously there's no locals or regionals for the time being aside from online events.
That's not to say it's dead: There WERE still some places with locals and the game was at some major FGC events still though 2019 and would have beebn/might still be this year, and the matchmaking online, while not as populated as it was, is still active enough to usually find matches within 30 to 60 seconds of searching (though I'm fairly high ranked so maybe that allows me to get matched with the dedicated playerbase faster vs lower ranks which might have a harder time, though I can't say for sure): The scene is still way more alive/filled with players then something like Skullgirls (which i'm not shitting on, great game)
So, yeah: If you already got a switch, like competitive fighters, and can spare the money for it, then sure, go for it; especially if you live in an area that has (or had, before the virus) locals still (go to
discord.gg/pokken and then ask for a list of regional servers, join the one you are in and ask there about that) that would resume when the virus stuff dies down: Just remember it IS a fighing game and you'll get out of it what you put in in terms of practice and looking into combos, frame data, punishes, etch, etc (the fat the community is centralizexd around that discord server and splinter servers for specific regions/chartacters helps with this (and then only like 2-3 other unrelated servers which do online weeklies like
https://twitter.com/PThunderdome/, vs something like DBFZ where there's like 10 different fourms and discord servers the community is split across)
See also
>>43427369, happy to answer further questions and shit too.