>>43425228I'd say give Shelly walrein to match Courtney's flygon instead of milotic.
Give Tabitha claydol instead of torkoal as it matches wailord slightly better.
Giving Matt a machamp instead of a gyrados in this situation might also balance things out more. Plus, it's kinda thematic since Matt is ripped, and Tabitha is round.
Might also be a bit out there since the typings don't match up as well, but ludicolo and shiftry might fit Matt and Tabitha as aces. Matt's laid back while Tabitha is a conniving rat.
Kinda weird since it was a gen 7 addition, but replace something on Archie and Maxie's teams for drizzle pelipper and drought torkoal respectively. That way they can lead with them to act as a mini kyogre/ groudon.
For non-Hoenn pokemon, I think that dhelmise would fit Archie well. Not exactly sure what to give to Maxie to reciprocate that though. Turtonator, alolan-dugtrio, crustle?