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/vp/ quarantine dex

!zI982GspaM No.43446328 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Previous threads

>what the fuck is this shit
Taking advantage of downtime to create a fakemon dex using our former OP/kaijuanon's artistic talents!
In previous threads anons rolled a 1, 3, 7 or dubs to get a mon in the dex, then OP would make a design based off of it.
In this image you can see what's been done and the results of these rolls
>what's the end result of all this
Started as an art project for OP, but we'll use Pokecrystal to put these guys in crystal. Not trying to make a full-fledged new region like Sage/Clover means no dev hell or feature bloat - just use the open source stuff to make a fun game
>who's the art poster/"real" OP
op !xtgH9PP/UU
>what's going on now
We need dex entries, stats, types, and movepools for the mons with sprites. Brainstorm ideas for the mons without designs.
>what's the status of the rolls
we have filled out the dex as of the last thread! However there's a bit of a conundrum: not enough slots. Here are the final winning rolls:
however as you can see from the attached image this isn't enough. My proposed solution is
>single stage water bubble
>two staged starpiece cutemon
>single stage oil fire
discuss amongst yourself how to resolve this
Additionally, pokecrystal has a mon cap of 253. This is 175 mons. How should we fill the balance? I'm thinking use beta mons so it's still a unique experience. Thoughts?

>important links
Google doc compiling most of the rolls and what they said
Dex entries