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>Many fans have wondered about the lack of challenge they've been facing in the most recent titles...
>"If you dumb paysluts are not even smart enough not to buy our games, why do you think you are smart enough for any sort of challenge we may put in a title? We do whatever we want." replied Masuda.
>But many longtime fans of the series have demanded a more challenging game...
>"Longtime fans of the series don't demand jack. They'd buy the shit from our toilet if we slapped 'Pokémon' on it."
>In previous interviews you've said that people should not have high expectations about your games because it is too hard to make them. The decrease in difficult sure had some influence from the competition with smartphone games, no?
>"Yes, we were influencede by Android games. They keep coming up with new ideas on how to make cash with even less effort. As a matter of fact, we are turning Pokémon Gun into a gacha shit. We saw how that whole Dexit fiasco went out and saw that people got very butthurt about us locking their favorites out of the disc to lock them in Home for yearly pay. So we're putting all Pokémon back in the enhanced edition, but it will be DLC. That should make them happy."
>That should be a commercial success
>"At this point what isn't? We got them by the balls. *laughs*
>So, about Pokémon Gun. What features is it going to have?
>"More DLC, a new fapbait brown PokéGirl who will be that faggy rival's sister or whatever, and we are also making your Pokémon regenerate health after every battle. I can't be bothered with nurse joy anymore."
>About the Diamond and Platinum remakes, any idea of a release date?
>"This time we can't make a cell-by-cell repetition of the old shit because the game would actually be good, so I dunno. We're likely gonna release it as soon as we redesign Mt. Coronet into a straight line."
>Thank you for your time, Mr. Masuda
>"Thank you."