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No.43492972 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is it about SS that you enjoy so much? Why are you so okay with it being what it is in comparison to what it could be? What makes it so good that you'll defend it so much?
Is it your first main series Pokémon game? Have you just given in and accepted that things will never change and you just don't want to give up on Pokémon? Is it denial? Have you not played any other video game other than Pokémon before? Just why? I honestly feel like I'm the only person who realises how truly lacklustre the game is as so many people adore it so much. Please try and help me understand the appeal. Am I missing something? I've tried so hard but I can't even feign enthusiasm, I don't think SS is a good main series Pokémon game. To me, a true Gen 8 is yet to happen. Anyone?