[8 / 4 / ?]
Quoted By: >>43507413 >>43507454
>literally the best pokemon games
>still sell less than the pixelated diarrhea that is rby and gsc
fucking nigger dextranies ruining everything because of muh stantler. it could have been the best selling pokemon game ever made but noooooo, you fucking poorfag decide to scream and seethe about because your have no taste in what actually make a good game. just cope and accept that you loose instead of trying to stay relevant by shiting on masuda and us real pokemon fan.
>still sell less than the pixelated diarrhea that is rby and gsc
fucking nigger dextranies ruining everything because of muh stantler. it could have been the best selling pokemon game ever made but noooooo, you fucking poorfag decide to scream and seethe about because your have no taste in what actually make a good game. just cope and accept that you loose instead of trying to stay relevant by shiting on masuda and us real pokemon fan.