Quoted By:
>Villain starts off as rival
>Mostly friendly, but pretty smug
>Starts seeing how well you're doing
>Makes offhanded comments about how your Pokemon are stronger than they should be, catching Pokemon way too easy, defeating the Gym/Totem/whatever way too quickly
>Villain team starts showing up around the time he starts making these offhanded comments
>Team seems to always show up exactly where it would be inconvenient for you
>Rival starts making comments about how it would be better if you just slowed down, how you're riling people up with your rampage through the region
>Rival awakens the Legend to try to become powerful enough to stop you, only to fail to contain it
>Breaks down in abject terror when you catch/defeat it
>This is when he reveals his connection to the team
>And that this was all a trap
>The "Legendary" was a fake, just a really rare Pokemon
>And its "lair" was actually his HQ
>And you're in its dungeon
>You have to fight your way out to resume your journey, and stop them from summoning the ACTUAL box Legendary that the rival/villain is trying to use against you
>During this segment, your team is locked, Escape Rope/Dig/Teleport just return you to your cell, and any defeat returns you to your cell
>The enemies recover when you return to your cell as well
>When you reach the rival/villain with the Legendary, he tries to confront you with an angry crowd of NPCs who find your ability to effortlessly capture and train any Pokemon terrifying
>Only for the Gym Leaders to back you up as a Trainer, to compare you to heroes and champions from other regions (i.e. past protagonists), and heal you up before the fight to liberate the Legendary from the tenuous grasp of the rival/villain
>In a moment of clarity, he realizes he became what he feared, and goes off to contemplate his actions and yours
>He shows up with the other version's Legendary as a postgame boss