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a wizard casts a spell on you

No.43552303 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You will teleport to the pokemon world, but first you have to overcome a rite of passage. You have to:

1) Choose one pokemon and eat it. You don't have to kill the pokemon, you will just be given a dish that is made with the pokemon. It can be any kind of dish you want. The body parts in the dish must be equal to at least half of the pokemon's weight.

2) Choose one pokemon and have sex with it. You need to at least have a french kiss as well as intercourse until orgasm. If you are a boy, you have to choose one pokemon that it either male or female - if it's male he will fuck you in the ass, if it's female you will fuck her in the vagina/ass. If you are a girl, you need to pick a male pokemon.

3) Choose one pokemon and fight it. You will be put in a square room that is 10 square meters. The room can have any kind of terrain you want, but you can't choose something that is inherently detrimental to a pokemon's health, for example a fish pokemon in a grass field or a fire pokemon in a pool of water. The pokemon will fight you with the intent to kill you, and you will have to survive for 5 minutes, completely unarmed, dressed with casual clothes. The pokemon will have the last 4 moves that it naturally learns before level 100 in gen7/8. You can't choose a pokemon that has less than 300 base stat total.

What are your picks?