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This guy.

No.43555334 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Playing through Platinum, and by extension, Gen 4 for the first time.
>Distortion World shenanigans. Time to beat Cyrus, catch Giratina and move on.
>My team: Torterra, Pachirisu, Gabite, Staraptor, Gastrodon, Weavile. All leveled 41-43.
>I toss out Gastrodon, Cyrus uses Houndoom.
>Houndoom uses Dark Pulse. Gastrodon loses 49% HP. Well at least I’ll one-hit with my STAB water mo- Gastrodon flinches. FUCK.
>I keep Gastrodon in, thinking I can take another hit. The math checks out. (So I had thought.) Another Dark Pulse and Gastrodon goes down.
>I send out Gabite. I’ll just use Earthq- Dark Pulse critical hit. OHKO, and Gabite goes down. OH COME ON.
>I send out Staraptor planning to use Close Combat. I take a Dark Pulse. Time for me to- Staraptor flinches. /inhales deeply.
>I finally take out Houndoom with Close Combat, but Staraptor is hurting. Cyrus’ Gyarados comes out.
>...Maybe Staraptor is faster? NOPE. Pachirisu takes my fallen bird’s place.
>I’ve got this. Pachirisu will get an electric STAB x4 against his Gyarados. I’ve taken out Gyaradoses before in one hit, despite Pachirisu having a low base spatk. Because Pachirisu can tank hits. Plus, what’s Gyarados gonna do? Use Twister? HAH. Whatever.
>I send out Torterra and use Rock Slide. I take an Ice Fang, and then KO Gyarados with Rock Slide.
>Cyrus sends out Honchkrow. I heal Torterra. What’s Honchkrow gonna do? A flying move against my high Def? I can take it out with Rock Slide, I thought, as I took a Heat Wave, KOing Torterra
>I send out my Weavile. ICE PUNCH. Honchkrow survives. I take a Drill Peck and decide to deal the finishing blo- Cyrus uses Full Restore.
>I Max Revive Torterra. Weavile goes down.
>Rock Slide takes out Honchkrow
>Crobat. I Max Revive Weavile.
>Cross Poison takes out Torterra
>Weavile’s Ice Punch doesn’t quite cut it.
> I’m a failure.
> Cyrus destroys my world so that he can appear as a cameo in your USUM playthrough.