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>All the team leaders including Faba and newly added Rose comes in with updated teams
>A/Two new UB(s) get added into the dex and now Rose gets it/one of them depending on the version, with everyone else getting their UBs and Faba gets his respective legendary
>Faba uses Claydol, Bruxish, Alakazam, Hypno, Xurkitree and Solgaleo/Lunala
>Maxie uses the same team, but with Buzzwole added in
>Archie uses the same team, but with Pheromosa added in
>Cyrus uses the same team, but with Kartana/Celesteela added in
>Lysandre uses the same team, but with Blacephalon/Stakataka added in
>Ghetsis uses the same team, but with Guzzlord added in
>Giovanni uses the same team, but with Nihilego added in
>Rose uses Escavalier, Ferrothorn, Perrserker, Copperajah, the new UB(s), and either Zacian/Zamazenta or Eternatus as the legendary