>>43575289It's mediocre. Better than XY for sure, on par with SM. The remake is too faithful in some places (the loyalty to blocky aesthetics from the GBA era detracts from how beautiful the region could've been in 3D, for example) and not faithful enough in others (just about any original story beat would be better off not existing), but the character redesigns are good, features like Dexnav are flat out amazing, and I personally liked what they did with Mauville. No Battle Frontier sucks, and the Delta Episode is pretty bad due to Zinnia being a terrible OC donut steel, but at least you get to ride a super dragon into space to fight an alien virus thing at the end which is pretty cool IMO.
I can't recommend actually buying it, but since 3DS piracy is so braindead easy it shouldn't be terribly difficult to find a .3ds file and play it that way.