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Close to perfection

No.43632902 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Volcarona is one of my favorite pokemon, but it has a few minor game choices that keep it from perfection in my opinion.

>Larvesta leveling as slow as pseudo-legendaries
>Larvesta not evolving until level 59 (longer than every pseudo until that point besides Hydreigen, which was the same gen)
>having to be leveled to 100 to unlock its signiture move
>Being the actual champion's ace
Volcarona doesn't get to have 600 BST to either round out its defense or buff its speed to make it the special sweeper that it was designed to be

>Despite being able to fly, it's ability isn't Levitate
>Despite having it's pokedex entry suggest it was essentially a sun deity and having a special encounter in the desert with it, it's ability isn't Drought
Instead of having either of those two abilities, Volcarona keeps Flame Body (with Swarm as the hidden ability for some reason) from Larvesta, an ability that, while making some sense lorewise, makes no sense on a Pokemon with such low defense. If the devs wanted a guaranteed way for people to have a pokemon with Flame Body for egg hatching, there's a ranger who gives you a Larvesta egg in game, and it you evolve it by accident you should be capable of catching a Ditto to breed a new Larvesta. I also doubt the devs thought implementing the above stuff would make Volcarona to powerful, since this was the same gen Hydreigon was introduced; a pokemon that cause so much assblast that a whole new type was introduced in the following gen to counter it.

So what's that pokemon for you Anons? The one so close to perfection yet so far.