>>43642753Not the one you are talking to, but I think teambuilding becomes less centralizing. There's a lot of ways to work around stall. Stacking up hazards once get rid of the defogger, Taunt is fucking amazing (specially to negative priority Teleport), a cleric with Heal Bell or just Wish passing helps you out a lot too. Having Corviknight able to outstall with pressure is also a godsent against stall in general since it cuts out the time in half and cant get Toxic'd. Flinching with NP Togekiss, and offensive Dragapult spamming the fuck out of Shadow Ball is roll-dicing for victory.
I believe stall is cheap and really powerful, but there's definitely ways to work around it. Stall is usually easy to predict, and you have a lot of opportunities to do do before your own team goes down to status. If you manage to make a good play and get rid of ONE Pokémon, stall teams crumble apart. Add critical hits and defense drops / special defense drops in the mix (like Dragapult Shadow Ball) and there is a high chance at least one of the cards will turn out in your favor.
At the end, winning against stall is just trying to stack probabilites in your favor. That's the cheap part. But there's also good parts against it, like the prediction component being easier, the switching being safer and Taunt shutting down 70% of their options.