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Pokégirl Kissing?

No.43655873 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Post a pokégirl and say how much experience they have with kissing! The more details, the better!

Starting with Lana: She's kissed someone twice. Her first was with a male swimmer who caught her attention before she became a Trial Captain. He helped her across a rapidly-flowing river by carrying her on his back, so she gave him a quick peck on the lips as a thank you! She went bright red after and she quickly ran away in embarrassment, but she really treasures that moment. The second time was with Mallow - she and Mallow were cooking together and Mallow sampled the soup they were making by drinking from the ladle. Lana said "hey, you can't put the ladle in the soup again, it has your spit on it!" and since Mallow still had the soup in her mouth, Lana surprised her with a kiss! It lasted for about seven seconds and they did use a bit of tongue. Neither of them was really sure how to react after, but they played it off cool and never talked about it again. It left Lana a bit curious because it made her feel funny... in a good way. She hopes to kiss Sun someday but she wants him to make the first move...