You know, reading through this thread (and others) seeing anons discussing their own Pokemon related experiences and grievances has made me really think about how people enjoy this franchise. I see anons talking about different things they appreciate about Pokemon games (like the anon and his feraligatr bro) and things they just don’t (like the other anon who doesn’t find feraligatr anon’s achievement as a source of enjoyment) and I just sit in confusion as I don’t know how to really add to these discussions. To be frank, I feel as though I could say I grew out of Pokemon (games) but only because the games started feeling formulaic and repetitive. I started playing Pokemon games at DPPt (oldest save file I could find) and stopped at ORAS (Not because it was a poor remake as I never played the original RS to form an opinion on the game as a remake, but because I just felt bored). I’ve been describing Pokemon as consistently inconsistent in the sense that it keeps its core identity allowing it to be recognizable to all, but it adds/removes things on a whim that may or may not stick with each individual player, creating a clash of what should and shouldn’t matter. Everyone has an opinion on Following Pokemon, Secret Bases, Underground, Mega Evos, Amie, Wifi Plaza, Camp, CurryDex, PokeAthlon, Entralink, Riding Pokemon, Triple Battles, Rotation Battles, etc. Granted, I do feel that the Pokemon are one of the most important things of a Pokemon game I don’t know how to particularly view the whole dexit issue or any other issue I have concerning Pokemon for that matter. Pokemon just seems too bloated and too similar for some people to notice or care about certain things and they just take Pokemon for what it is at it’s core. Autistic rambling over.