>>43671690>didn't read rest of thread or literally scroll down 1 inch before making huge buttblasted reply>gets called out on it then throws a shitfitnever change, /vp/
>snorlax is S tieryou get it far too late in the game to justify that ranking
>lickitungliterally just minor shit my man, lickitung just didn't strike me as complete and utter trash like everything i put in garbage due to not-shit typing and the fact you don't really need to waste TMs/move tutors on it. it is lower end of c tier for sure at least
>tauros and marowak are just not that great, by the time you get to orre colosseum you have the birds, dragonite, tyranitar, snorlax, salamence, feraligatr, the unique moves elekid, etc. which are all just far better, hence my dude why they are in too fucking late tier
>jolteon/vaporeonhonestly jolteon is the top of A/vaporeon is bottom of S, sorry if this isn't repped better by the tiering, i just think jolteon can be easily replaced by mareep for most of the game while the same can't be said for spheal. jolteon is better in postgame though