>>43668858I think Aromatisse would be a fitting Pokèmon to get Fairy Aura, but being a pair with Slurpuff and it not getting it too (or something equivalent) would be weird, so both would be alright. Florges would also be a fitting recipient of Fairy Aura that could use a boost. Dark Aura would be fitting and pretty neat on Tyranitar, IMO. Give him a pretty powerful ability closer to the strength of Sand Stream than Unnerve. The only other Pokèmon that I think Dark Aura could fit on well is maybe Absol
Intrepid Sword would be a decent fit on Bisharp, I think, and as
>>43668901 said, I think Bastiodon would be a cool Dauntless Shield recipient. I also think Dauntless Shield would fit thematically on Escavalier
Obviously, both could work on Aegislash if you had some insane can't-switch-forms-shenanigans going on.