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No.43670060 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Broken exp system not optional
>Linear and smallest region in the franchise
>3 major cities, less than any other game
>One town is literally a pokémon center and a gym
>10 routes, less than any other game
>Routes are literally hallways
>No optional areas other than wild area
>Wild area is an empty laggy multiplayer lobby
>No exploration at all
>No dungeons
>Escape rope is now useless, there's nowhere you can get lost
>No day/night cycle until postgame except wild area
>The rest of the region has progression-gated day/night cycle during the story
>Pay multiplayer and pay Home or they'll delete your old pokémon
>Only 1 optional legendary hunt, less than any other game
>2 legendaries per game, less than any other game
>Mediocre story
>No elite 4
>Elite 4 replacements are 3 battles against newbies like you and heal you between fights
>The credits movie has the mouse cursor still on screen
>Postgame as short as XY
>Most generic battle tower in the franchise
>Cut a lot of moves
>Cut over half of the dex "to improve" visuals
>Graphics barely improved
>Same models
>Same animations except a few specific attacks
>Worst pokémon designs in the franchise
>Kanto pandering in form of regional forms
>Kanto pandering in form of new shitty exclusive and temporal mechanic
>Can't plant berries