>>43684010I know it's not in Platinum but I guess DP counts too.
After beating the league in Diamond I wanted to retravel the region because I had all the HMs so I could go everywhere.
I went in Route 214 and there I saw a road behind a fence that wasn't there the first time and that's where I discovered the Spring Path and Sendoff Spring.After that I went in
the Turnback Cave it was foggy(I was too lazy to learn Defog.I found it useless because there is only 1 area in the game where there's fog) and I didn't know the fuck I was doing.
And after sometime I see that the room changed,I walk forward and I see Pic related but there was also the fog so I freaked out a bit,saved and fought
it.It took hours to catch it but I did it and that truly was kino.This is byfar one of the best memory I have from the Pokemon series.