>>43688657Hiding your powerlevel towards the general public is fine, but you gradually should open up to the people (you want to have) in your inner social circle and see how much of the real you they're willing to put up with.
Obviously this should be done gradually and while keeping an eye on how much people reciprocate. But for a partner you should eventually be able to be really, really open.
Think about this from three angles:
1) putting up a facade is exhausting. It's manageable if you can recuperate from this within your own four walls, but once you invite a partner into those, you might start running into problems like needing so much "me time" that your partner feels like you don't care about them as much as you say you do.
2) If you really love your partner, they deserve to honestly know what they're getting into with you. It's normal to start off by putting your best foot forward, but eventually both of you will have to get used to each other as "full, real people", warts and all.
Your partner should know who you really are instead of living in a carefully maintained advertisement fantasy.
3) Unless you're an A+ bullshitter, pretenders are generally pretty unattractive.
You know how high self-esteem that just radiates off of you is considered attractive? Well having low self esteem because you're ashamed of your true self can also radiate off of you, and it's not pretty.
Also, do consider that you're not the only one pretending.
Lotta bitches out there into the same dumb shit as you and - for the same reasons as you - pretending they're not. Take that into consideration when trying to gauge how much "dumb shit" you need to lose in order to come across as normal.