>>43689842I know it's changed, and I know it's never going back, but for the most part I still love you guys. We've grown cynical and our bickering may have escalated beyond simple gen wars to full out blaming each other for changes we don't like and had no control over, but we all still share a passion for this series and want things to be better. There's still times when our creativity shows - draw threads, edit threads, brokenmon threads, ect. We still work together - trades for dex completion, gening/injecting for others who lack the knowledge or proper hardware, team building critique, hosting raids in swsh or spoofing to a gym in go, rom-hack development. We still share our experiences - words of encouragement when shiny hunts run long, nuzlock stories, threads celebrating our bros, waiting for leaks/new info, baw threads, the vpmd threads that wrapped up a while ago. It's different times, different memes, different games, and different topics but at the core /vp/ is still /vp/ despite the changes. Maybe one day we'll find that collective hope again and feel a little less broken and stop taking unrelated things out on each other as much as we do now.