>>43701402Armor is not necessarily tied with Steel, as you have Pokemon like Tyranitar that are the Armor Pokemon. Galarian Slowpoke is tied with both Klara and Avery; their types are Poison and Psychic, respectively. Galarian Slowpoke has a Poison-type move, Acid, in its level-up movepool. Galarian Slowbro has dark purple spots, a color associated with Poison-type. Galarian Slowbro is probably Psychic/Poison, and the Shellder will be found on its left arm as a side-arm firearm. Shell Side Arm is going to be a Poison-type move that fires the acid from the Shellder's mouth at an opponent. Quick Draw probably adds priority to shooting moves, whatever the hell those would be. Quick Draw is probably Galarian Slowbro's signature ability, and it will lose out on Galarian Slowpoke's Gluttony for that ability.