>>43703485>>Dragon/Fire CharizardYes, definitely
>>Fire/Fairy NinetalesMaybe
>>Water/Psychic GolduckYes
>>Flying/Fighting Farfetchd's (he has a real hard-on for Farfetch'd)A big maybe. It isn't entirely unfitting
>>Grass/Fairy MeganiumMaybe
>>Water/Dark FeraligatrNo. Feraligatr isn't necessarily evil
>>Ghost/Fairy Misdreavus/MismagiusMaybe. It's based on a witch, so it could make sense
>>Grass/Dragon SceptileMaybe, leaning more towards yes. It'd give back some of it's Mega functionality
>>Poison/Dark SeviperNo. Seviper isn't evil
>>Water/Fairy MiloticMaybe, might make Milotic a little OP though
>>Ice/Rock GlalieSure, why not. It says in the Pokedex that Glalie's body is made of rock, so it would make sense
>>Water/Fairy LucdiscMaybe
>>Water/Fairy lake legendary trioNo, they should stay Psychic. Not every Pokemon who lives in or near water should be Water-Type
>>43703498By that logic, every Ghost should also be part-Dark